Integrate Retica with any software in your company.

Integrate Retica with any software in your company.

GDPR compliant
Retica respects all privacy regulations. Your data is safe in certified databases.
Highest safety standards
The data is stored in databases with security levels comparable to those of Amazon or Google.
99.95% Uptime
We guarantee the functionality and usability of the system 365 days a year.
Backup & Disaster Recovery
With a Disaster Recovery system there is no chance of losing your data.
GDPR compliant
Retica respects all privacy regulations. Your data is safe in certified databases.
Highest safety standards
The data is stored in databases with security levels comparable to those of Amazon or Google.
99.95% Uptime
We guarantee the functionality and usability of the system 365 days a year.
Backup & Disaster Recovery
With a Disaster Recovery system there is no chance of losing your data.

Communicate with your software
Retica is able to integrate with most of the software on the market!
These are just a few examples of integrable solutions:
Ready to get started?
Let us show you how Retica can make your job easier!
Dramatically reduce your document processing and validation time with our AI-powered solution.